Automation vs Unit Test for Frontend

April 22, 2024
Randy Ky

When it comes to backend development, unit tests are an absolute must — that much is clear. But the story shifts when we shift to front-end development. Ideally, we'd implement both unit tests and automation tests, but is this always feasible, and when should we prioritize one over the other?

Unit tests are precision instruments, crafted to validate specific code logic, making them invaluable, particularly in backend environments. However, in the realm of front-end development, especially for applications heavily reliant on APIs for business logic, the necessity for an extensive array of unit tests becomes less apparent. Conversely, automation testing, especially when achieving close to 100% coverage, offers a broad spectrum of evaluation, encompassing crucial user interactions: 1) Does the app navigate seamlessly? 2) Are button clicks resulting in the expected outcomes? 3) Moreover, it inherently validates many aspects of API functionality, among other benefits.

In larger organizations blessed with ample resources, the gold standard involves implementing both automation and unit tests for front-end applications. However, for smaller entities constrained by time and resources, the decision often hinges on pragmatic considerations. In such contexts, automation emerges as the superior choice, delivering a more comprehensive testing suite for the investment.

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