In 2015, Playboy embarked on a significant transformation, aiming to adapt to the digital era while preserving its iconic brand identity. With a strategic shift towards delivering safe-for-work (SFW) content, Playboy sought to expand its reach and engage with audiences across various digital platforms. This marked a pivotal moment for the brand as it embraced the opportunities presented by digital media while staying true to its core values of sophistication and lifestyle.
As part of this digital evolution, Tech TigeR had the privilege of spearheading the development of Playboy's flagship Playboy NOW app for both iOS and Android platforms. This cutting-edge application not only provided users with access to curated SFW content but also embodied the essence of the Playboy lifestyle, blending entertainment, fashion, and culture seamlessly. Moreover, our collaboration with Playboy extended beyond mobile devices; we were among the pioneering few to launch the Playboy NOW app on the Apple TV platform upon its release. Additionally, we led the development efforts for their Android TV and Roku apps, ensuring that Playboy's content remained accessible to a diverse audience across multiple streaming platforms.
Our involvement in Playboy's digital initiatives during this transformative era was characterized by innovation, collaboration, and a commitment to delivering exceptional user experiences. Through the development of the Playboy NOW app and expansion onto emerging platforms such as Apple TV, Android TV, and Roku, we played a pivotal role in helping Playboy establish a prominent presence in the digital landscape while staying true to its brand ethos.